Sunday 28 April 2013

What is really happening in Germany?

There is sure something rotten up Merkel's Land.
To begin with the so-called miracle of Germany was never a miracle and was rather the result of shenanigans tolerated by, or imposed by the Americans on the other European states. Germany is the champion lawbreaker of the European Union.
 As a favorite child of the Americans during the cold war, Germany's prewar debt was pardoned and any payments to Greece for the devastation of the country in WWII were postponed to the Roman Calends.
On top of that for forty five years, i.e. until the reunification, despite explicit prohibitions  by the European Economic Community, Germany was allowed to subsidize all its industries that were located in the frontier zone with East Germany and sure enough the Germans saw to it that all new major factories were located there. At the same time all during the Cold War an American dictate prohibited Greece, because of the “misbehavior”  of its people in the early post-war period, from claiming the due reparations for the war damages of the Germans.
Following the reunification of Germany new illicit schemes were set in operation. The Landesbanks, a sort of local state banks, were recruited to subsidize industry through the simple device of granting loans that the industries never paid back. However in recent years some ominous clouds have been gathering over Germany. For one thing, after so many years of using this covert subsidization the Landesbanks today are effectively bankrupt and the German government fearing due sanctions fends off all attempts of inspection by the European Union and the European Central Bank with the feeble excuse that these banks do not have a federal charter and thus cannot operate outside Germany.
At the same time the German banks are being harassed by the equally serious problem that they now face as a result of Germany’s extensive involvement in shipping. In a renewed attempt to become a dominant force in international shipping, the Germans in a period of about fifteen years had built and financed the world’s largest container ship fleet, only to find out that what old Xenophon had said about twenty four centuries ago still holds true, i.e. that the art of fleet management is an art acquired through the experience of many generations. Right now all operators are being affected by the current slump in international trade, but the German container ships have another greater problem and that is the merciless competition from Cosco, their Chinese competitor.  The net result being that Germany’s major banks, such as Deutsche Bank, have suffered huge losses from bad loans and are in urgent need of recapitalization.
This problem and the miserable state of the Landesbanks are at the root of the recent concerted actions of the Germans to plunder the bank deposits in Cyprus, Greece and other Euro zone countries.

Monday 18 February 2013

A painstaking plan is in full operation. Masterminded by the Germans its objective is to get Greece out of the Euro with the least of damage to the other members of the Euro zone.  The damage to the Greeks, though, will be considerable.
First they had to install some sort of a puppet government that would have carried out their plan.
As no one would accept this catastrophic role, it is certain that they asked the main political sponsors that operate in Geece (Siemens, Deutsce Telecom, Hohtieff, Krupp) to force the two parties that have ruled Greece for the past 36 years , to accept the role of the puppet government. As a cover up for their machinations they put out their scouts for a willing party with a leftist profile that could participate in such a government.  At an undetermined financial cost they managed to get the party of Kouvelis, the Democratic Left, to play that role.
And right now we witness the phase of putting the plan into operation but with some tragic comic incidents. First the Prime Minister was admitted to hospital for a serious eye operation. It is an operation that could have easily been done before the Elections of June 17, but this would not have served their plans
When this happened it seems that at last it dawned on Rapanos, who had accepted the post of the Minister of Finance,  that he would be branded as a traitor for life and he recanted on his acceptance of the post for health reasons… I would not be surprised if Stournaras, who was at last sworn in as Minister of Finance, follow the same course once he realized that he is just being used.  Stournaras is about 10 years younger than Rapanos and had a career development identical to that of Rapanos. You could actually say that he has been copying Rapanos’ career with a ten year lag. He is equally ambitious, but quite smarter than Rapanos and I wouldn’t be surprised if he follows the way to exit from the government once he realizes that there is no way that he can alter his allotted role of a front man. 
 The Summit meeting of the European Union of last week was marked by the complete absence of the Greek government. It is clear that the absence was dictated by the fact that the government, contrary to its declarations before the elections, has no  plan whatever for any kind of negotiations with the Troika.
And now that all the pieces are in place the Germans can implement their plan of getting Greece out of the Euro at a manageable cost. What the Germans want to happen before the planned Greexit from the euro is some repatriation of the deposits that had been scared out of the country before the last elections, so that the value of the new Greek money, call it drachma or something else, will be depressed for some time to allow ample time for the German firms to fill their shopping basket.